Monday, July 9, 2012

Finger Painting

I am a full time stay at home mom and I'm struggling to find fun activities to do with the boys INSIDE the house. For the past few weeks it's been over 100* in our part of the country. It's also very time consuming to get the boys ready and out of the house. With two it seems to takes three times as long!

1/4 cup Cornstarch
2 cups Water
Food Coloring

First boil (stirring constantly) the cornstarch and water in a sauce pan until it is clear and thick. Let cool and divide into individual containers for each desired color. Add food coloring until you get the shade you desire. I did 3-5 drops the first time, stirred, and added more if it needed it. Mine came out pretty opaque. The finished product is very slimy but not sticky.

We did this outside (because it was the first nice day and why not got enjoy it!) on the back deck. I stripped them down to the diapers so I taped a blanket to the deck to prevent any splinters. This is how a set up the "studio"...

Taping down the corners of the poster board helped keep it from both blowing away and getting ripped to shreds.

Ollio enjoying his mustache
Timmo gets a goatee
Both boys seemed to enjoy it a lot but bored pretty quickly. I might try it again, without help, in a few weeks. Definitely NOT an everyday or week thing.


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