Friday, August 31, 2012

Angry Mothers...

I have been a frequenter of certain baby related internet sites ever sense the birth of my boys. However, I think I am going to deactivate my account or at least stop checking in so often. The nasty judgmental attitudes of these women gets on my nerves. For example:

“Why aren't you wearing your baby?! I know that it would fix all your problems.”

“I would never let MY baby cry it out! You're a horrible mother if you do!”

“You said such and such so that must make it true and I'm not going to believe that you could have made a typo or in the heat of the moment not explained yourself very clearly. I will go about my misunderstanding ways and judge you on the inaccurate data that you admitted was not correct. I will ignore the data that you have now given as clarification to what your actual meaning was. So, basically, you are an awful person. P.S. I hope you die in a fire.”

Really ladies? Get a life! I'm sure these rude women would be irritated and hurt if (or when) people talk to them in the same manor. The mothers that are asking for help with their problems are looking for understanding, suggestions and support. But all you can offer them is judgmental criticism. Your words are hurtful and wrong and I always feel so badly for the mothers that are reaching out for help and get blasted with these kinds of comments. 

My favorite is when they end with “but, that's just my opinion”. You just called this women Satan’s bride but by saying “in my opinion” ii is suppose to make it all better?! I don't think so. Get over yourselves ladies. To each their own. We are talking about personal preference of parenting styles. That's “personal” as in: Of or relating to a particular person; private. And “preference” meaning: A greater liking for one alternative over another or others. You could be a little nicer, maybe instead of, “Your own words were that she was about to throw up. That is just wrong.” maybe you could say, “I was confused, your post made it would like she was going to be sick and worried. I was concerned. Thank you for clarifying your meaning. This is what I do in that situation...”. No mother is perfect and if you're a mom that thinks she is, get...a...LIFE!!! I have NO problem with anyone wanting to wear their baby(ies) all the time. Or if they don't like to let them cry it out. Fine, whatever. I'm also not saying that I don't or haven't warn my babies and that I let them cry it out all the time. All I'm saying is that there is always going to be someone that thinks they are doing it better then you and that you, in turn, are an awful parent. Arg, its just so frustrating. To the judgment Mothers I say, again, get a life, get over it and worry about yourself. To the other mother, just looking for support, check out a site before you post something. If the other post have negative comments, look somewhere else. Or, give as good as you get! 

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