Friday, August 31, 2012

Laundry Woos!

As you can imagine I have TONS of laundry to do every other day of so. I'm sure I'm like most people and dread doing laundry. The sorting, the washing, the drying, the hanging, THE FOLDING, and the putting away. Arg! I have some tricks to help it seem less of a daunting task.

First, I have schedule laundry days. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays are for washing baby clothes. That's most often one load of laundry on those days because I do it so routinely. Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays are mommy-daddy laundry days. Before I made a schedule there were days that I was getting stuck with HOURS of laundry. I find it much easier to do 2 hours of laundry then 10 hours.

Second,  I have made a very handy dandy T-Shirt folder for mine and my hubby's clothes. It was pretty easy to make and really easy to use. What I like most about it is that all the shirts come out the same size and that leaves more room in the drawers. Here's where I found how to make the T-Shirt Folder.
I made mine out of a bulk diaper box.
Folded T-Shirt.

Third, I like to keep the clothes well organized and have specific drawers, baskets, and shelves (even hangers) for different types of clothes. The boys' dresser has four drawers, in order from top to bottom, pajamas, suits and daytime onesies, shirts (with short sleeve in the front and long sleeve in the back due to weather), and finally shorts and pants. Any hanging clothes, which aren't much, go in the closet.

My dresser is the same order (sans suits and onesies!) while hubby's goes socks and underwear, T-Shirts, more T-Shirts, sweaters, and jeans. He was not as picky as I am about how clothes are folded and put away so I've been slowly converting him over to my side. I do his laundry now that he's gone back to work so its I do it my way or he has to do it himself. You can guess what he picks.

For my closet and dress clothes, I use a velvet hanger because I have lots of items that fall off the hanger easily I hang them in type groups; pants, dresses, skirts, sleeveless tops,blouses, and cardigans. Sometimes I color code, sometimes I'm too lazy (or tired).

These things have helped me get through my laundry woos. Happy laundering!!!~!

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